
They take powers from the University of Buenos Aires in defense of the budget

They take powers from the University of Buenos Aires in defense of the budget

Page/12, Sputnik and Ap

La Jornada Newspaper
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, p. 21

Buenos Aires. Students from the faculties of Philosophy and Letters and Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), as well as other educational facilities, they took from the first minute yesterday both buildings in the Argentine capital to demand that Congress reject President Javier Milei’s veto of the University Financing Law sanctioned by Congress.

At the same time, the staff of the Garrahan Hospital, a prestigious pediatric center, began a 48-hour strike with street protests demanding salary increases and rejecting the adjustment policies of the Milei government.

“The take of the faculties was organized in response to Milei’s veto of the University Financing Law”, which is being voted on today in Congress, one of the participants, Yohanna Cardoso Marino, confirmed to the Sputnik agency.

This law was approved on September 13 by the Senate, but was vetoed by the president a few hours after concluding – last Wednesday – the second federal university march organized by the educational sector in five months.

In the take of the faculties students participate and also teachers, like me, who we accompany with public classes, also demanding from the union centers, the General Confederation of Labor and the Central Workers of Argentina, a national strike that includes all our demandsindicated Cardoso Marino.

The Tomaswhich are also projected on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UBA, will remain until today, when a mobilization is planned for the National Congress to demand that Milei’s veto be rejected.

Students from the National Buenos Aires pre-university schools and the Carlos Pellegrini Higher School of Commerce, dependent on the UBA, and the National University of Art, also they took the facilities since midnight on Monday.

The university community was moved by the possible closure of the Laura Bonaparte Hospital, the only national health center specialized in mental health and problematic consumption, which was also taken for its workers.

Doctors and other employees of the Garrahan Hospital, which treats the most severe pathologies of minors in Argentina and neighboring countries, demand a 100 percent salary increase to compensate for the loss of purchasing power caused by inflation. They also ask that the hospital budget be strengthened.

Norma Lezana, general secretary of the Association of Professionals and Technicians of the hospital, told the press that From August to August inflation is 236 percent and our salary increased only 100 percent in that period.

The Garrahan Hospital treats 40 percent of childhood oncological pathologies in Argentina and performs 60 percent of transplants. It is the reference center for the care of congenital heart diseases and rare diseases.