
Trump selects James Vance as running mate

Trump selects James Vance as running mate

4-day Republican Convention kicks off // Judge throws out case against ex-president over handling of confidential documents

▲ The Republican National Convention expects 50,000 people for its four-day program.Photo The Day

▲ Above these lines, Senator JD Vance, who opposes amnesty for migrants, was appointed by Trump as his running mate.Afp Photo

Jim Cason and David Brooks


The newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, p. 21

Milwaukee, March 27 (Reuters) – Donald Trump, who has reappeared in public since an assassination attempt, announced on the first day of the Republican National Convention that he has chosen Ohio Senator James David Vance as his running mate and, if he wins the election in November, he will be vice president.

In this city located in Wisconsin, one of the industrialized states in the middle of the country that is strategic in determining the presidential election, Vance appeared before the thousands of delegates who shouted their enthusiasm yesterday at the Fiserv Center, the arena where the convention is taking place, after the process was completed by which, one by one, the delegations of the 50 states declared themselves in favor of formally naming Trump as presidential candidate, who will accept the flag on Thursday at the end of the four days of this spectacle.

However, the tycoon and former president hates not being the center of attention, so at the end of the night he surprised his fans by appearing in the arena walking and raising his fist in the air to the rhythm of the song. God bless AmericaWith his right ear bandaged, he posed next to Vance.

Yesterday’s message from the convention, just three days after the failed assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, was celebratory. Celebrate the good times, come onwas the semi-classical song that played in the auditorium. Almost all the speakers at the conclave made reference to it How God saved the life of his candidateand Trump’s heroism in the face of the attempt to end his life. “The devil came to Pennsylvania with a rifle, but the lion American “He stood up to it,” said Senator Katie Britt of Alabama.

Trump also enjoyed, without divine intervention, another piece of good news: in Florida, a federal judge dismissed federal criminal charges that the president had inappropriately handled classified documents.

Among the criminal cases he faces, this was the one most likely to result in a conviction; however, the justice administrator, who was appointed to the post by him when he lived in the White House, declared that the Joe Biden administration erred in the way it appointed the special prosecutor and, therefore, the charges he made are invalid.

Although the most anticipated news was Vance’s appointment, in an announcement distributed on his social media, Trump reiterated Vance’s resume, emphasizing the service that the legislator provided in the Marineshis law degree from Yale University and his experience as an investor.

The memories best seller of the senator, Hillbilly Elegythe tycoon noted, praise the hard-working men and women of our nation. Vance, he said, will focus firmly on the brilliant people for whom he fought: American workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, among others.wrote the former president when presenting his running mate – a list of key states to determine the national outcome of the elections in November.

At the same time, Vance will be an anti-immigrant championwho has promoted completing Trump’s border wall and opposes amnesty for undocumented immigrants.

Before choirs of USA, USAconvention delegates accepted Vance’s nomination.

No one at the convention doubted the direction of their party; everything was already decided, except for the running mate of the undisputed leader of this party.

Trump and his team understand that, even before the assassination attempt this weekend, part of their job is to design a campaign to attract voters beyond the base.

Moderating part of the ultra discourse

The Republican platform released yesterday is one of the shortest in history, with just 20 central points and the absence of the most extremist parts of the Republican rhetoric on issues such as abortion, since for the first time in 40 years they do not propose a federal ban, or a violent assault on the Capitol, which could alienate more moderate voters.

This is a grassroots party, it is not a party for the rich, it is a political force of the people.Iowa Republican Party leader Jeff Kaufmann said in unveiling the platform. This is not a program for Republicans, it is for all Americans.said.

The classical rhetoric of them against uswhich has characterized the Republican campaign so far and instead proposes that the party’s policies are of common sense for the whole country.

Among this overwhelmingly white audience, one of the most paradoxical moments was when a pair of African-American speakers – a lieutenant governor and a federal senator – stated that The United States is not a racist country drawing applause.

One of the axes of unity that remains very present in the speech is the opposition to allowing immigration and the dangers of the open bordersAlmost all speakers yesterday denounced the current policy.

Joe Biden has welcomed drug cartels and made things easier for criminal organizations around the worldsaid Bob Unanue, director of Goya Foods.

Right-wing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene argued that The Democrats’ economy is for the undocumented.

Leanna Derrick, a Republican delegate to the convention from New Mexico, told The Day that their primary concern is the open border with Mexico. In an interview, she revealed that she is the only indigenous delegate from her state. For her delegation, the central concern is that the government has completely failed to control the southern border, since It’s just open.

She is just one of the 50 thousand people who will arrive at this convention (including reporters), between yesterday and Thursday, who are already buying more caps, t-shirts and even shoes with the campaign slogans, now summarized in Make America Great Againsupporting Trump’s second term.

Another strange episode was last night’s soundtrack: the hits of several classic groups – Credence and Crosby Still & Nash, among others – who in their time expressed the opposite of what the Republicans offer.

Although the song that thousands of militants of an explicitly anti-homosexual political party enjoyed the most, despite the fact that yesterday they heard from their opinion leaders that There are only two genderswas YMCA, From the 1970s band Village People, a song that almost everyone knows – but apparently not here – is a gay anthem.