
Republicans crown candidate saved by God

Republicans crown candidate saved by God

He promises the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants in history and the closure of the border //Tariffs on Mexico, due to Chinese automakers

▲ The former president gave one of his most extensive speeches yesterday at the Republican Convention, which began with his testimony about the gun attack from which he emerged alive.Afp Photo

David Brooks and Jim Cason


The newspaper La Jornada
Friday, July 19, 2024, p. 25

Milwaukee. Donald Trump was crowned president on Thursday on the fourth and final night of the national convention of a Republican Party absolutely under his control, delivering one of his classic speeches, but with a twist: He declared that God saved him from an assassin’s bullet so that he could proceed with his special purpose of now presenting himself as a leader of all Americans and not just his party.

“Say: ‘fight, fight, fight.’ Say: ‘Trump, Trump, Trump,’” was the new rap offered by Kid Rock in order to warm up the atmosphere and set the stage for what everyone had been waiting for for four days.

Trump appeared, with his now famous ear bandaged, on stage to the cheers of his audience as a patriotic song blessing the United States was played, saluting the delirium of his political cathedral.

I stand here with confidence, strength and hope.; we will win in November and with it We will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. He argued that The division in our country needs to be healed. We either rise together or fall apart..

In a speech that was losing its form, as it circled around all the topics that are part of its framework and repeated points already addressed, the favorite topic was that of the invasion of migrants.

They are coming from every quadrant of the earth; it is a de facto invasion and this government is doing nothing to stop it. (Countries) are emptying their prisons and their mental hospitals.. At another time he alluded to that Massive invasion at our border is spreading misery, crime, disease and destruction of communities across the country. And he promised that, if he wins the elections in November, he will continue the construction of the wall to stop This invasion that is killing hundreds of thousands of citizens every year; we cannot allow it..

And in another: he accused that “100 percent of the jobs are taken by foreigners illegal…and that this is affecting African Americans, Latinos and unions.

“Restore America’s sacred borders on day one… Close our borders,” he promised. And he offered the graphic he was showing when he was nearly killed over migrant crossings, joking that it was saved his life. And he reiterated: We will launch the largest deportation operation in US history.

Trump began his speech by recounting his experience in the assassination attempt, concluding that he only survived because I have God at my side. And he thanked the public for their love. They didn’t want to leave me. And he said that after the shots and knowing he was wounded: “I raised my fist and shouted: ‘Fight, fight, fight.’” The public responded in kind.

He repeated: I’m only here by the grace of God. He stressed that will return the United States to the top of civilizationto a new golden age.

In response to his opponents and critics that he represents a threat to US democracy, he replied: I am the one who is saving democracy for the people.

He demanded that his opponents stop witch hunts against him in court, insisting that all the accusations are false.

This will be the most important election of our lives He asserted that there is a crisis on all fronts, economic, social and international, and warned that We are on the brink of the third world war.

He accused the Chinese of building automotive factories in Mexico, among the largest in the world. These plants must be built in the United Stateshe said. And if that doesn’t happen, we will put a tariff of 100 to 200 percent on every car. “We will not let countries take our jobs and exploit our country.

“I will recover the American dream”, he said.

With the White House as a backdrop, he promised a paradise of lower prices, increased hydrocarbon production, curbing migration, lowering taxes, and not spending on initiatives greenincluding ending the electric vehicle mandate.

In order to set the stage for the now crowned Republican nominee, the final night of this convention included speeches by family and figures close to the former president, including Trump’s second son, Eric – it was notable that his daughter Ivanka and his wife, Melania, did not appear at the microphone, although they appeared in the box to listen to the candidate’s speech.

Admirers from Trump’s inner circle took turns at the microphone, showcasing the eclectic cast surrounding the former White House chief and his movement.

Among them, the former wrestler and later actor Hulk Hogan, who was greeted with choruses of USA, USA (who knows why) and Dana White, executive of the extreme wrestling association, praised how strong his friend Trump is.

The presence of wrestlers makes sense, since many of Trump’s events, and his rhetoric, resemble the world of wrestling, with good guys and bad guys entering the ring, orchestrated crowd reactions, and complaints about incompetent referees.

Hogan used vocabulary from that world, comparing the energy at this convention to that felt at his championships at Madison Square Garden and how the gladiatorial maneuvers on the ring are comparable to the fight of “my hero, Donald Trump… With him, we will be heroes again.” Trump stood up in his box and made a kissy face.

Also appearing on the convention’s biggest night were the Rev. Franklin Graham, son of famed pastor Billy Graham, who was one of the first leaders to defend Trump when reports of his illicit relationship with actress Stormy Daniels began to circulate, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

A narrative forged for this political spectacle was unity along with the repeated denunciation of the radical left corrupt organization that is apparently in control of Washington and is dedicated to destroying the country.

And again and again, as has happened throughout the week, the name of God. African-American pastor Lorenzo Sewell told the convention that God wants to use Donald for his work in this world. Almost all repeated that the miracle of escaping the killer’s bullet last Saturday will now allow him to pursue, according to this script, his apparent divine mission of Making America Great Again.

Near the end of the night, a Trump supporter turned to these reporters and said: Are they Marxists or journalists? Are they journalists or propagandists?.

The family appeared on stage at the closing of the big show with the band playing Hold on I’m Comingfrom Sam & Dave and the thousands of patriotic colored balloons fell from the ceiling onto the convention.

And the final singer offered a Puccini aria (but these correspondents are not cultured enough to identify it).