
Mexico will take a position “until all the votes are counted,” says López Obrador

Mexico will take a position “until all the votes are counted,” says López Obrador

Alonso Urrutia, Emir Olivares and Iván Evair Saldaña

The newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, July 30, 2024, p. 21

Until the votes are finished being counted and all the information on the presidential elections in Venezuela is available, Mexico will make a statement on the result, said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. If the electoral authority confirms this trend, we will recognize the government elected by the people of Venezuela, because that is democracy. But we will wait. That is why we cannot ignore any result..

However, he pointed out that first all the votes must be counted, that 100 percent of the polling stations have been counted and based on that information a position will be established, because otherwise it would mean entering into a debate about whether or not to recognize the result.

Asked about Mexico’s stance on the elections in that South American nation, López Obrador responded that, fortunately, his main concern did not occur: that violence would break out, he commented at his morning press conference.

He therefore expressed his gratitude to the Venezuelan people, because despite the fact that the situation was very tense in the days leading up to the election, violence did not break out on the day of the election, although he acknowledged that things began to heat up on Sunday afternoon when the polls closed.

Meanwhile, the Mexican Foreign Ministry also celebrated the fact that the Venezuelan elections were held in a civil and peaceful manner.

Mexico trusts that the will of the Venezuelan people expressed at the polls will be respected through a transparent scrutiny processhe concluded.