
Argentina: deputies denounce key Milei officials

Argentina: deputies denounce key Milei officials

Impeachment is promoted against the head of Justice for violating gender laws // They demand the resignation of the head of Security for threats to workers

Stella Calloni


The newspaper La Jornada
Saturday, August 31, 2024, p. 20

Buenos Aires., The situation of President Javier Milei has become increasingly complicated in a week that started badly, not only because the prices of all public services, food, essential products and fuel continue to rise, but also because of the removal of subsidies for means of transport, both in the province of Buenos Aires and in this capital,

In addition, opposition deputies are promoting impeachment proceedings against the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, for poor performance in the exercise of their functions and for failing to comply with current laws on gender issuesamong others.

Cúneo’s administration violates human rights and is outside the rule of law. He has not only decided to ignore the policy of protection against gender violence determined by national legislation, but also advocates the rejection of the diversity of sexual identities, against the current of legislation on the matter.stated the parliamentarian of Union for the Fatherland, Mónica Macha, in a letter signed by members of her bench and the Socialist Workers Party-Left Front Unity.

On the other hand, the leader Ricardo Alfonsín of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), son of the late former president Raúl Alfonsín, the leader who began the process of restoring democracy in 1983, resigned yesterday from that party, whose leadership betrayed the principles by joining the right in the coalition Cambiemos (Together for Change).

New political currents and disintegration of political parties

In a letter sent to the president of UCR, Martín Lousteau, Alfonsín explains that he launched a new progressive space that brings together his own movement, Raíces, Libres del Sur and Forja, with an eye on the 2025 legislative elections.

Since 2015, when the UCR National Convention decided to form Cambiemos, I have pointed out ideological and methodological differences that separated us from the PROsays and maintains that if If the UCR ever returns to defend the values, ideas and principles that justified its birth, you will find me again defending the men and women who embody them..

Meanwhile, through various channels, the resignation of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, has been requested. She threatened Aerolíneas Argentinas workers that they must adjust to the principle that they are essential services (which cannot hold assemblies or strikes due to salary issues) or else the company will be privatized whenever.

Companies will have to start paying and Aerolíneas Argentinas will have to align itself with a strategyBullrich said in statements to the newspaper The Nation in response to protests from the Airline Pilots Association. If the Ministry of Labor, in reality Human Capital decrees the status of ‘essential’ for the airline, and Security will try to help ensure that it is complied with, those who do not comply will have to face the consequences.”

They accuse the creation of a government within a government

Meanwhile, Senator Francisco Paoltroni, from the province of Formosa, resigned from the Libertad Avanza (LLA) bloc. In a letter addressed to Vice President Victoria Villarruel, he warned that he maintains his support for President Javier Milei. Paoltroni mentioned irreconcilable differences with the government and announced that he will form his own bloc, like the deputy Lourdes Arrieta.

In an interview on CNN Radio, the pro-government deputy Lilia Lemoine accused the vice president of wanting to arm a government within a government and added that if he leaves It is not an institutional problem, since it would be replaced by the following one.

In reference to Villarruel’s project to judge the armed organization of Peronism (60s-70s) Montoneros, Arrieta asked if he was also going to enclose to Minister Patricia Bullrich, who in her youth was part of that movement.

Strong differences continue to be noted, especially after the failure in Congress of laws imposed authoritarianly by Milei, and there are accusations between different government officials.

Meanwhile, the scandal of the visit of six pro-government LLA deputies to a group of detainees convicted of crimes against humanity during the last military dictatorship continues, in light of the evidence presented by the resigning pro-government deputy Lourdes Arrieta, to which was added today the complaint of the human rights lawyer Guadalupe Godoy, on the role of one of the ideologues of the structure of impunity which sent to the deputies the legal projects that would allow the release of the aforementioned criminals against humanity.

This is a minister of the former military dictatorship in the province of Buenos Aires, former judge of the Federal Criminal Court, Jaime Lamont, who is serving several sentences under house arrest, at 89 years of age. All the police stations in Buenos Aires that functioned as clandestine detention centers were under his control.

Now he has prepared projects to annul the cases of crimes against humanity and sent a document for the detainees in the Ezeiza prison to present to the courts, a document that the former marine Alfredo Astiz gave to the deputies who visited them with the complicity of Minister Bullrich, as he pointed out yesterday. Page/12.