
Biden seeks to reform the Supreme Court; difficult, Congress approves it

Biden seeks to reform the Supreme Court; difficult, Congress approves it

Limiting life terms and establishing an ethical code are among the changes that the president is promoting

▲ Joe Biden, President of the United States, yesterday during the ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, in Austin, Texas.Afp Photo

AFP and AP

The newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, July 30, 2024, p. 24

Washington. U.S. President Joe Biden announced yesterday a plan to reform the Supreme Court of Justice that involves limiting the life term of justices and establishing an ethics code, an ambitious project in his final months in office with little chance of success in Congress.

The 81-year-old president called for a constitutional reform to overturn the recent decision of the Supreme Court, dominated by a majority of conservative judges, regarding Donald Trump.

The highest court in the United States recently granted broad immunity to the former Republican president who faces several legal cases and is campaigning for a new term in the November elections.

The White House said both Biden, who has dropped out of the presidential race, and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic front-runner, want to work with Congress on the plan, even though it has little chance of being approved in a very divided legislature.

Shortly before heading to Austin, Texas, where he delivered a speech at the LBJ Presidential Library to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, Biden told reporters that the high court needs a reform.

The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices appointed for life and currently has six conservative justices, three of them appointed by Trump with the ratification of Congress.

Controversial sentences

The court has issued controversial rulings, such as annulling in 2022 the 1973 decision allowing the right to abortion, and is also facing a scandal over the integrity of judges.

The demarcation of the mandate of the judges seeks to limit the possibility of a presidency imposing undue influence on future generationsthe White House explained.

It also aims to establish an ethical code that is bindingsimilar to that applied to judges of the federal judicial circuit.

In an opinion article published in the newspaper Washington PostBiden detailed that his proposals seek to reflect that No one is above the law.

Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, declared Biden’s plans dead on arrival.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said the initiative would tip the balance of power and erode not only the rule of law, but the faith of the American people. in the justice system.

In other news, Trump agreed to be interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of the probe into the assassination attempt on him in Pennsylvania on the 13th, a special agent said, who also spoke of how the attacker found out about mass attacks and explosive devices before carrying out the attack.