
Caracas calls on Washington not to interfere in the elections

Caracas calls on Washington not to interfere in the elections

The Venezuelan government withdraws the invitation to former Argentine president Alberto Fernández to be an observer on Sunday

AFP, AP and Sputnik

The newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, July 25, 2024, p. 28

Caracas. The Venezuelan government yesterday called on the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, Brian A. Nichols, not to interfere in the electoral process next Sunday, and warned him that the plan to ignore the results of the election will fail.

The defeat that Nichols has painted on his forehead due to the beating that his lackeys will receive on July 28 is as great as the precariousness of his government management in the United States.published the chancellor Yván Gil on the social network X.

He added that All fascist plans to ignore the popular victory will fail againafter Nichols said during a hearing in the US Congress that citizen participation will be key for the opposition to win the presidential election in Venezuela.

According to Nichols, polls indicate a clear advantage for the opposition.

Gil called the American official to take care of your businessand recommended that he relax and watch with respect how a free, revolutionary and democratic people turns their neocolonial pretensions into cosmic dust through the popular vote..

On Friday, the head of the pro-government Venezuela Nuestra campaign command, Jorge Rodríguez, denounced the implementation of a plan by some sectors of the opposition in this Caribbean country to ignore the result of the presidential elections.

He said that the plan includes the publication of fake exit pollssupported by figures released by international media, and noted that behind these actions is the search reinstall the file 2019, when opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president of Venezuela, and was recognized by the United States and its allies.

Opposition witnesses

Opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González said that all witnesses from the Democratic Unitary Platform coalition were accredited at the 30,026 polling stations across the country for the election.

Meanwhile, former Argentine President Alberto Fernández reported that the Venezuelan government had withdrawn its invitation to be an observer.

Yesterday, the Venezuelan national government informed me of its desire that I not travel and desist from fulfilling the task that had been entrusted to me by the National Electoral Council.Fernández posted on his X account.

The former president said that the Venezuelan authorities argued that his decision was due to the statements he made to a national media outlet that They caused discomfort and raised doubts about my impartiality. on election day.

They understood that the coincidence with what the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, had expressed the day before, generated a kind of destabilization of the electoral process.Fernandez said.

Lula indicated earlier this week that he was scared due to recent comments by President Nicolás Maduro at a rally, where he stated that there could be a bloodbath if he loses the election and fails to get re-elected.

Fernandez urged Maduro to accept the election results.