
Harris promises “opportunity economy” in the US

Harris promises “opportunity economy” in the US

▲ Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris yesterday at the Bayleaf Market in Raleigh, North Carolina, alongside Governor Roy Cooper.Photo Ap

Reuters, Sputnik and Europa Press

The newspaper La Jornada
Saturday, August 17, 2024, p. 23

Raleigh. Kamala Harris yesterday outlined proposals to cut taxes for most Americans, ban abusive prices supermarkets and promote affordable housing as part of a opportunity economy which he plans to carry out if he wins the White House.

In her first major speech focused on the economy, the Democratic presidential candidate promised to introduce a new child tax credit of up to $6,000 for families with newborns, cut taxes for those with children and reduce the cost of prescription drugs.

The vice president advocated for the construction of 3 million homes in four years and a tax incentive for those who build houses for first-time buyers.

Harris told supporters at a rally in North Carolina, a state she hopes to win in the Nov. 5 election, that the U.S. economy is strong but prices remain too high, and that her work would focus on strengthening the middle class.

Together we will build what I call an economy of opportunities.he said. Building the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency, because I firmly believe that when the middle class is strong, America is strong..

His program could face resistance from both businesses and Congress, which rejected similar proposals from President Joe Biden.

Trump team warns of possible inflation

His goal is to contrast his opponent, Republican Donald Trump, on tariffs and taxes.

The former president proposed new tariffs on imports, an idea that Harris rejects.

He wants to impose what is in fact a national tax on sales of everyday and essential products that we import from other countries.Harris noted. That would devastate Americans..

It would mean higher prices on almost all of your daily needs: a Trump tax on gasoline; a Trump tax on food; a Trump tax on clothing; a Trump tax on over-the-counter drugs..

Speaking to reporters, Trump’s economic advisers Kevin Hassett and Stephen Moore said Harris’ proposals would fuel inflation and harm the economy: offering up to $25,000 to first-time homeowners would only drive up prices.

A House of Representatives committee yesterday opened an investigation into Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate ahead of the presidential election, for his possible ties to China.

Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting information about Chinese entities and individuals with whom the Minnesota governor has interacted.

The Chinese Communist Party has sought to destroy America through coordinated influence and infiltration campaigns that target every aspect of American life, including our own elected officials.Comer said.

Walz spent a year teaching at a high school in China and moved to the country in 1989. In 1993, he organized a school trip to the country, with expenses paid by Beijing, the committee added in the text. He then founded a company to organize similar trips until 2003 and continued to visit China frequently, while on a scholarship at a university there.

However, he has also been critical of the Asian giant on numerous occasions, especially on human rights issues, according to US media.