
Maduro says he will prevent opponents from destroying the Housing Mission

Maduro says he will prevent opponents from destroying the Housing Mission

The State will never again leave any family homeless, says anti-Chavez activist María Corina Machado

▲ Officials from the National Electoral Council declared themselves ready for Sunday’s elections.Afp Photo

AFP, AP, Xinhua and Europa Press

The newspaper La Jornada
Monday, July 22, 2024, p. 28

Caracas. One week before the presidential elections, Nicolás Maduro responded to opposition leader María Corina Machado that he will not allow to destroy the Great Venezuela Housing Missionwhile she promised that opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia will return to the Venezuelan people the security and respect that the regime has taken from themduring various campaign events.

Maduro stated, from the state of Anzoátegui, that Fascism is determined to destroy the Great Venezuela Housing Mission, but not in any way will allow it, according to the Venezuelan portal Últimas Noticias.

The president also assured that by 2025 there will be 400 thousand new homes. We are aiming for 5 million homes, 3 million new ones and 2 million for repairs. I promise you that I will build them. I am the only one who can do it. I have the reins of the economy in my hands and I have the plan, the coming years are of comprehensive social recovery.he claimed.

Maduro responded in this way to the opposition leader, who assured that the government conditions the delivery of housing.

To those who live in the facilities of the Housing Mission, where the regime has conditioned the permanence of these Venezuelans, we believe in private property and to those who want housing, we will give them their title deeds. Never again will the State threaten to leave a family homeless. We want them to be owners, like all Venezuelans, of their lands, their homes and their businesses.he argued during the rally held in the state of Monagas.

The opposition opted yesterday for a day of spiritual struggle In a religious ceremony officiated by a Catholic priest and an evangelical pastor, González Urrutia affirmed that it is time for reconciliation among Venezuelans in Caracas.

It is time for Venezuela to find reconciliation among Venezuelans, enough of shouting, enough of insults, it is time for reunionsaid the 74-year-old candidate after a religious ceremony in Plaza Bolívar.

González is a former diplomat who will face current President Nicolás Maduro at the polls. He took Machado’s place after the Comptroller’s Office disqualified her from holding public office for 15 years.

Meanwhile, authorities of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela reviewed on Saturday everything related to the technical and technological issue for the presidential election of July 28, its president, Elvis Amoroso, highlighted the importance of the correct functioning of the Automated Voting System that will be implemented for the election day.

Nine opposition candidates are running in the race, as is Maduro, who will seek his third re-election in the next six years.

On June 20, eight of the 10 candidates signed a document in which they agreed to recognize the results. Only Edmundo González and Enrique Márquez refused to participate in the agreement.