
Moscow and Beijing against the expansion of the alliance

Moscow and Beijing against the expansion of the alliance

AFP and Sputnik

The newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, July 11, 2024, p. 24

Beijing. China yesterday spoke out against the advance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) towards the Asia-Pacific region, and refused to be mentioned as a threat by the alliance, while Russia warned that the decisions of the transatlantic mechanism will be aimed at aggravating the situation in Ukraine.

China accused NATO of incite confrontation with his criticism of relations between Beijing and Moscow.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said: We firmly oppose NATO acting beyond its characterization as a regional defensive alliance, inserting itself into the Asia-Pacific region to incite confrontation and rivalry and disrupt prosperity and stability in this region..

He urged the Atlantic alliance to make a real contribution to global peace, stability and security. “NATO’s so-called security is, in most cases, based on the insecurity of others, and what it does is put the world and the regions at high security risk (…). The alliance must not use China to justify its insertion in the Asia-Pacific region, nor try to disrupt regional dynamics.”

Before NATO issued its summit statement, Russia warned that the decisions taken by the transatlantic mechanism would be aimed at aggravating the situation in Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko said.

“We do not expect anything from this summit. As all these decisions are known, unfortunately, they will not lead to a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis, but to a further escalation of what is happening (…). The decisions taken there will not lead to anything good.”

Since February 24, 2022, Russia has been continuing a special military operation in Ukraine, the objectives of which, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, are to protect the population from a genocide by the kyiv regime and address the national security risks posed by NATO’s eastward advance.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the United States and the alliance are directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, not only by supplying weapons but also by training personnel in the territories of the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, among others.

In this context, the Chinese army began this week a series of joint military exercises with the Belarusian armed forces in Brest, in the southwest of the country, near the border with Poland and, therefore, with NATO.