
Negotiation is the only way out of the current wars, Russia and China propose

Negotiation is the only way out of the current wars, Russia and China propose

AFP, Xinhua, Sputnik and Reuters

The newspaper La Jornada
Saturday, September 14, 2024, p. 24

Beijing. China’s Defense Minister Dong Jun said yesterday that To resolve hot issues, such as the crisis in Ukraine and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the only way out is to promote peace and negotiation.during a global meeting of senior military officials in Beijing.

In his opening speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, which started the day before yesterday and concludes today, Dong called on members of the international community to Show mutual respect, treat each other sincerely and look for common ground, without leaving aside differences.

More than 500 delegates from 100 countries are taking part in the event, which, unlike its first edition in 2006, this year features a greater representation from Europe and America, as well as the attendance of senior US military officials, such as Michael Chase, deputy assistant secretary of defence for China, Taiwan and Mongolia.

The Chinese military is willing to create synergy between security strategies, deepen defense consultations and boost exchanges and cooperation with all parties.Dong said.

In a clear criticism of the United States, although he did not name it, he said that Major countries should take the lead in safeguarding global security, abandon the zero-sum mentality, and refrain from bullying small and weak countries..

He described interference in the internal politics of other nations as unacceptable, and pointed out the importance of respecting the fundamental, sacred and inviolable rights on which the survival and development of these countries depend.

Privileging international law

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his readiness to work together with China to promote multipolarity and build a world order based on international justice and law, during talks with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, in St. Petersburg.

China is willing to maintain strategic interaction with Russia, unite more like-minded states and promote the multipolarity of the world.said the Asian diplomat, after meeting with the Russian president.

He also stressed that Moscow and Beijing are strengthening strategic cooperation, resisting unilateral bullying by third parties and bloc confrontation, in line with modern trends and the common hopes of most southern countries.

The Russian president “highly appreciated the ‘six-point consensus’ proposed by China and Brazil, and reiterated that Russia remains open to peace talks,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said at the end of the day of talks.

Last May, China and Brazil published a six-point joint memorandum on politically resolving the Ukrainian crisis, the document being the culmination of negotiations between Brazilian President Celso Amorim’s special adviser and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Both sides insisted on dialogue and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine as the only way to resolve the situation, and called for a peace conference with the participation of both parties to the conflict.