
Pedro Sánchez asks to testify in writing in the trial against his wife in Spain

Pedro Sánchez asks to testify in writing in the trial against his wife in Spain

Pedro Sánchez asks to testify in writing in the trial against his wife in Spain

Armando G. Tejeda


The newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, July 25, 2024, p. 26

Madrid. The Spanish Prime Minister, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, has asked the Madrid Provincial Court judge, Juan Carlos Peinado, to testify in writing at his summons next Tuesday, in which he was summoned to testify as a witness in the judicial process opened against his wife, Begoña Gómez, investigated for the crimes of corruption in business and influence peddling.

Sánchez argued that he was the head of the Executive as a prerogative that would allow him to give his answers in writing and not be subject to questioning by the judge.

In a letter, Sánchez responded to Judge Peinado’s court summons: Due to my role as Prime Minister, my statement must be made in writing.and appeals to the Criminal Procedure Law, which establishes that They are exempt from appearing when summoned by the judge, but not from testifying, and may report in writing on the facts of which they are aware by reason of their position to the president and other members of the government..

Judge Peinado had intended to go to the official residence of the Prime Minister, La Moncloa, to carry out the questioning, but now he must decide based on the arguments of the President.

Sánchez confirmed his willingness to cooperate with the administration of justice.

Meanwhile, the president met with the president of the autonomous community of Catalonia, Pere Aragonés, who is waiting to be replaced in office after the elections on May 12. Both leaders made official the transfer of powers in the minimum vital income system, as they had agreed in the previous months to carry out the investiture of Sánchez’s government, while the Catalan leader insisted on his demands to forgive the public debt of the region, which amounts to 15 billion euros, and consolidate the total fiscal autonomy of the autonomous community.