
Russia warns that the US is encouraging a new global cold war

Russia warns that the US is encouraging a new global cold war

All European capitals will be targeted by the Kremlin if Washington targets the federation with its missiles

AFP, Europa Press, Sputnik and Reuters

The newspaper La Jornada
Sunday, July 14, 2024, p. 18

Moscow. The US decision to deploy long-range missiles in Germany, announced this week, could turn European capitals into Russia’s targetrepeating a confrontation like that of the cold Warthe Kremlin warned yesterday.

Europe is in the crosshairs of our missiles. Our country is in the crosshairs of the American missiles deployed in Europe. We have been through this before (…). We have enough potential to contain these missiles.said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, reported the RBC radio station.

Peskov recalled that Russia has always responded the deployment of US long-range missiles in Europe.

He also added that Europe is falling apart. It is not the best moment for the continent. Therefore, one way or another, history will repeat itself..

In turn, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov described the decision as a link in the policy of escalation, an element of intimidation that almost became the fundamental component of the policy of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the United States in relation to RussiaThe arsenal announced by the White House will include missiles SM-6, Tomahawk and hypersonic weapons, which have a significantly longer range than the missiles currently stationed in Europe.

The Pentagon stressed the day before yesterday the importance of maintaining lines of communication with the Kremlin, in the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, since Moscow launched a military operation in February 2022.

The cold War was the confrontation between the former Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States, marked, among other fronts, by the Euromissile crisis at the end of the 1970s and beginning of the 1980s, caused by the Soviet and then American deployment of nuclear-capable missiles in Europe, reports the AFP news agency. That crisis ended with the signing of the 1989 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, signed by the then presidents of the United States and the USSR, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, respectively, which limited the use of medium-range missiles, both conventional and nuclear.

The treaty ended when Washington withdrew from it in 2019, during the administration of Republican Donald Trump, after repeatedly accusing Moscow of violating it.

On the other hand, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky downplayed the lapse made by his American counterpart Joe Biden, when he presented him as the President Putin during the NATO summit in Washington. Zelensky said that the mistakes can be forgottengiven the great collaboration of the United States.

And now I would like to give the floor to the President of Ukraine, who has both courage and determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President PutinBiden told attendees at the meeting.

It’s a mistake. I think the United States has been very supportive of us Ukrainians. We can forget some mistakes, I think so.Zelensky told reporters yesterday upon his return from Washington.