The US, Argentina and Ecuador seek to impose neo-fascism in Venezuela, warns Maduro

The US, Argentina and Ecuador seek to impose neo-fascism in Venezuela, warns Maduro

Sputnik and Xinhua

La Jornada Newspaper
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, p. 24

Caracas. The Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, yesterday accused his counterparts from Argentina, Javier Milei, from Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, and the United States of trying to impose a fascist model, after remembering the 19 years of the failure of the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas ( AUK).

They now intend to impose a new model, the model of neofascism that no one doubts, if the FTAA model was a neocolonial model from an economic point of view, the model that Javier Milei (in Argentina), (Daniel) Noboa, in Ecuador, and the model that the empire has for the world and that they intend to impose with a coup d’état in Venezuela, is a fascist modelsaid Maduro.

The president offered the statements through a television message that he sent to the Argentine social movements – which face the dismantling of the State and the loss of sovereignty, with protests challenging the repression ordered by Milei – when commemorating the 19 years of the defeat of the FTAA. at the Summit of the Americas, held in Mar del Plata, in 2005.

He pointed out that this Summit of the Americas, headed by the deceased presidents of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and of Argentina, Néstor Kirchner, It meant a before and after the battle, it was a great victory against the neocolonial movement.

Maduro warned about the intention of impose a new model, the model of neofascism and stressed that the governments of Argentina, Ecuador and the United States They intend to impose (the model) with a coup d’état in Venezuela and destabilization.

The FTAA agreements that were being discussed country by country would have meant the absolute destruction of the continent’s economic apparatus, something similar to what Javier Milei is doing in Argentina at this time.he commented.

economic colony

Maduro pointed out that, with the creation of the FTAA in 1994, the countries approved becoming an economic colony of the United States.

At the Summit [de las Américas] of Miami, where all the presidents of Latin America and the Caribbean signed a letter of intent to become an economic colony through what they called the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas, they always use the word freedom, free, to mask the truth of domination, colonization, subordinationhe noted.

On November 4, 2005, former President Chávez (1998-2013) announced the end of the FTAA, during his participation in the fourth Summit of the Americas in Argentina, after leading a political and social movement that opposed free trade proposed by United States, after considering that it promoted poverty and inequality.