
US official denies amnesty offer to Maduro if he resigns

US official denies amnesty offer to Maduro if he resigns

From the Editorial Staff

The newspaper La Jornada
Monday, August 12, 2024, p. 26

The government of US President Joe Biden has not offered amnesty to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro or his associates, but would be open to to all possibilities while working to find a way out of the country’s political crisis. South American, said a US official quoted by the news outlet McClatchy.

We have not made any amnesty offers to Maduro or others since the electionexplained the official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Last month, the United States government recognized Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González as president-elect. González, along with opposition leader María Corina Machado, rejects, without providing evidence, that Maduro is the winner of the July 28 election, as determined by the National Electoral Council.

The source cited by McClatchy He said the Biden administration is considering a number of options to encourage and pressure Maduro to recognize the election results.

The responsibility of Maduro and the electoral authorities of Venezuela is to clarify the resultsthe official added, said the New Herald when citing the report of McClatchywhich is part of a newspaper chain and news agency in the United States.

The comments came after the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States has offered Maduro and his associates amnesty over drug trafficking charges if he resigns. Neither the United States nor Venezuela would confirm or deny the report.

Maduro has repeatedly said that he is open to talks with Washington but on condition that the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic is respected.

Venezuela’s Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, said yesterday that the website created by the opposition to publish the alleged electoral records has as its objective inciting hatred in the international audience against the institutions of Venezuela.

In statements to Globovisión, Saab assured that the Venezuelan right operates alongside the different governments of the United States that Apart from being mercenaries, they seek a change in the distorted and false information about the national reality.he indicated Page/12.

In turn, Machado rejected the holding of new elections and offered the electoral records held by the opposition for anyone who wants to review them, in an interview published yesterday in the Spanish newspaper The Country.