
Venezuelan far-right plans to disrupt elections, government says

Venezuelan far-right plans to disrupt elections, government says

Sputnik and Xinhua

The newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, July 11, 2024, p. 26

Caracas. The Venezuelan government yesterday presented to the diplomatic corps accredited in the country the plans of right-wing leaders to affect the elections of July 28, following the complaint made by a group of Colombian paramilitaries about alleged contact by that sector to cause destabilization.

We have obtained this information through digital means, but we have also been reviewing it through our intelligence agencies and we can give absolute certainty that it is true information that has the necessary elements to initiate an investigation process, as the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, is going to initiate with the Colombian Prosecutor’s Office.announced the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yván Gil, before the ambassadors.

The meeting took place at the Foreign Ministry headquarters in Caracas.

Gil described it as serious the complaint by the paramilitaries, and stressed that they have the support of the Colombian government to carry out investigations into this case.

“This is an extremely serious complaint (…). Fortunately, today we have very good communication with the Colombian government and we have been able to obtain precise information and validate it,” he said.

Similarly, he noted that the action, allegedly carried out by opposition leaders, seeks threaten the tranquility, peace and smooth running of the electoral process.

On Friday, the Colombian paramilitary group Autodefensas Conquistadoras de la Sierra published a statement on its X account in which it said it had been contacted by Venezuela’s far right to destabilize the government in the run-up to the presidential elections.

The interlocutors have made all kinds of requests, including attacking the electrical infrastructure, acting against the candidate president Nicolás Maduro, acting in case he is re-elected by infiltrating protests and generating chaos in the streets; in the face of this, we would like to state that our organization does not get involved in the internal affairs of other countries.he explained.